Saturday, February 27, 2016

Baby Redtail Hawks

I found this picture today while at the computer...

Redtailed baby hawks
Baby Redtail Hawks

We watched these baby hawks for about 6 weeks, until they started to leave their nest. There ended up being 4 babies total, it was quite a nest full as they grew bigger. We had the perfect view into their nest. Every time we would go we would watch for an hour or so waiting for Mom to bring them food.  So inspiring. I look forward to sharing more of these hawk pictures with you.

It's that time of year when birds are beginning to get their nests ready. Keep an eye out, you never know what you may see. I Love spring and watching everything come to life after a long, cold winter. 


Blog design week...

It's been quite a week.

I have been at the computer a lot refreshing my design know how. Wondering why I haven't used Illustrator in a while. I love this program. After getting my blog up and going last weekend, I still wasn't satisfied with a lot of things about it...hence the changes. Only a few of you saw the blog in it's beginning stages...thank goodness. I knew it would need refining and I'm feeling more at peace with how it is turning out so far.

Finally decided to go with GabbieMade for my Blog's sounds and looks so official, now that its up. I redid the header a couple of times, what you see now is the newest version. Redesigned my logo, designed 2 different business cards and even ordered some. So exciting.

Next step, getting an Etsy shop. I can't wait to start sharing my Art and Photography with you.

Thanks, for Stopping by!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

My 'BE' Girls

My word of the Year for 2015 was 'BE'. There is a lot of strength in this two letter word. I painted these BE girls during the year to represent what BE meant to me.

BE Original Girl

Moose Family

We watched this family of moose for about an hour one morning as they were grazing down by the Bear River. They finally crossed the road and went up into the the trees.

cow, calf moose
Mama and Baby crossing the road.

bull moose
Bull Moose watching out for mama and baby!

Moose Photography

Moose Whisperer

My Family likes to call me the moose whisper. In the summer and fall we (my husband and I) go out often looking for moose to take pictures of and usually find some wherever we go. Because I see them so often, they I attract them. I have lived in Utah my entire life and never knew we had so many moose here. 

I saw my first bull moose about 20 years ago on a trip to Yellowstone. It was in the early summer so the bull moose we saw was still growing his antlers and they were still covered in velvet. He was the most beautiful animal I have ever seen. Back then I had a little 110 film camera. I was so excited when I finally got my film developed to see the moose pictures only to be disappointed. In the picture you can see the shadow of the moose in the trees but that was about it. From that day on my dream was to see another bull moose. 

About 5 years ago, Mark and I started hearing about people seeing moose in Utah, so we started searching. I now have a DSLR camera and can see the pictures right away. I am in love with moose, I love watching them.

bull moose

A few weeks ago we took a trip to Jackson, Wyoming and found several moose. This was one of the few bulls that still had his antlers. It was very snowy the whole time we were there, but that didn't keep us from watching the moose. We watched this particular bull for a couple of days. On this morning we had been watching him for a while when he walked about 4-5 feet from my window. Such an amazing experience.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog.

Today is a new beginning for GAB designs. I have thought about making this blog for months, ok maybe a couple of years. I just didn't do it. Well here I am ready to share with you the creative side of my life. 

Let me take a minute or two and introduce myself...

Photographer at work...     Photo Credit: Mark Byers